Well, intermittently, the answer is “yes”. I’m still on crutches and yes, it’s annoying me! I find myself at the strange post-surgery stage where I’m more stable than I was before,
Leg-length discrepancy – a DDH journey of shoes & surgery
Owing to my hip dysplasia and somewhat ‘wonky’ pelvis, my legs have always been different lengths. But that leg length discrepancy has varied over time. If you’ve ever had a go at cutting your own fringe (never advisable I find it always leads to endless tinkering one side then the other until it’s too late and you’re scalped…) then you will understand the journey my legs have been on.
3 months post-op: back to hip rehab to get off crutches
This week it’s three months since I had my knee replacement. Turns out that quite a lot of people born with hip-dysplasia develop knee problems due to the abnormal wear that comes from the way we walk.
A diary of ‘firsts’ for my two-month-old knee
It’s been exactly two months since I had my right knee replaced, which is part of managing my hip-dysplasia. As you can see from the six photos,