A step too far….Cocking to Amberley By Jill Pringle Posted on July 27, 2019August 4, 2019 In South Downs Way, Uncategorised, Walking 0 No tags 0 Yesterday I walked 11.5 miles of the South Downs Way to Amberley. It’s always difficult to know our limits and of course we don’t know what they are until we find them. Continue reading...
Paddling with my hands: pain and hip dysplasia By Jill Pringle Posted on February 17, 2019August 4, 2019 In Personal, surgery, Uncategorised 0 hip displaysia, hip pain 0 People often ask me if it hurts to walk. The answer is ‘sometimes’. Funnily enough, since I had my hip replacement, the one part of my body I rarely feel pain is in that left hip. Continue reading...